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MLC Trucking

MLC owns and operates trucking and logistics subsidiary, MLC Trucking, to further support customer needs and ensure additional supply security.

Trucking Services

  • Bulk pneumatic hauling 
  • Hauling and spreading for construction and soil stabilization applications 
  • Mobile pneumatic storage silos leasing 
  • Liquid Calcium Hydroxide System / PortaBatch System leasing 
  • Transloading 

Pneumatic trucking services are provided to MLC customer at the following facilities: 

  • Baton Rouge, Louisiana 
  • Chester, South Carolina
  • Ste. Genevieve, Missouri 
  • Verona, Kentucky
  • Vicksburg, Mississippi 

MLC Trucking ships bulk products 24 / 7 from our Ste. Genevieve, Vicksburg, Chester, Baton Rouge, and Verona locations. Our Ste. Genevieve facility’s package products are shipped Monday – Friday between the hours of 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. 

Our Focus


We are committed to safety on the highway as well as in our customer operations. Our drivers are experienced truck drivers who are focused on the handling, transporting and conveying of lime products.


The pneumatic truck fleet is dedicated to lime-related products, ensuring product integrity.


The MLC Trucking fleet is on-call 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Whether it is spreading lime for a soil stabilization job or conveying lime to a storage tank, our drivers perform their duties in a professional and courteous manner.

Reliable Supply

A large fleet of pneumatic tractors and trailers is available to respond to customer needs. Our truck terminals at MLC Trucking have certified mechanics on site that perform required maintenance.