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The objectives for our community engagement are to inform the public about our activities, as well as to uplift the people, economy, and environment in the areas where we operate. 

Uplifting the Communities where We Live and Work

Community Advisory Panels

Our Community Advisory Panel in Ste. Genevieve, MO, USA helps us to maintain a dialogue with local businesses and leaders where our largest, oldest operation is located. For over a century, MLC has been part of the fabric of Ste. Genevieve. Thus, we believe we have a duty to foster engagement and transparency with the community. The Panel receives regular updates about company information with local importance. We also publish a Community News newsletter twice annually. 


Many of the people who join MLC say it’s because of our values, which include honoring Our Responsibility to Each Other. So, it’s no surprise that many of our employees go above and beyond by volunteering their time or expertise to help support our communities. 

  • Participation in voluntary committees, such as our Vision-Mission-Values Committee, Safety Steering Committee, and Employee Activity Association (responsible for maintaining our park and fishing lake in Ste. Genevieve) 
  • Community and employee events, such as our annual Trunk-or-Treat event 
  • Volunteering to participate in MLC sponsored teams for charitable events, such as Pedal the Cause (St. Louis, USA), the Greenpower Race (Scunthorpe, UK), and Friends of Hawn State Park (Ste. Genevieve, USA). 
  • Pledging funds to donation drives with an MLC contribution match, such as United Way 
  • Mentorship for STEM education through our apprenticeship and co-op programs, as well as through organizations such as the United Way Women’s Leadership Society Mentorship Program (in the USA) and Women into Manufacturing and Engineering (in the UK). 

Habitat for Humanity

Pedal the Cause

WiMe Mentorship

Go Red for Women


We are proud to support organizations focused on improving lives in the communities where we live and work, which amounted to over $416,000 in funding in 2023. We are primarily focused on supporting causes that generate positive impacts for health, education, the environment, and marginalized or needy peoples. For example, some of our biggest annual contributions include donations to United Way, Pedal the Cause (supporting cancer research at Siteman Cancer Center and Siteman Kids at St. Louis Children’s Hospital), Friends Foundation of Ste. Genevieve County Memorial Hospital, and direct student scholarships. Our Singleton Birch business Community Fund also benefits dozens of causes each year, such as the Keelby Parish Council‘s Making a Safer Place and Ulead the Way. 


Hear from Our People

Volunteers from MLC spent a day working with Habitat for Humanity